Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Spiritual/Character Goal For Tiffany

Ridiculous Goals for Tiffany
-spiritual / character goals
Tiffany Choi Writing1B

Patience is highly-needed eminence for students in order to study well and learn a lot of knowledge. If I have enough endurance when I am studying, then there will be a lot of As in my report card. But I don’t kill time enough to be done or terminate some of my work, so I start new things instead of finishing my old work. For example, if I plan to read the Bible, I stop reading after a few days by way of excuse that I have no time or I need to do something else. I always remember that Bible and Christ is the most important thing of all, but I can’t concentrate on reading Bible when I have much homework from the school. I hope to read some Bible verses a day.

When I was born, I was a Christian and a normal girl. Even though I didn’t desire to be a Christian, I had to be the one. As I grew up, I realized that I’m so fortunate to be born in a Christian family. I started to love God more than anything, and by the helps from church, mother and friends, I could read Bible and pray for God; Even though it lasted only several years. Honestly, I’ve never read Bible since last weekend. I wish I could read a little bit more to help myself studying and getting mature in spiritual way. I’ll keep in touch with God to solve this huge problem.

People typically say that I’m so comical and humorous that when they are talking with me, they can smile and laugh as much as they can. I feel so thankful for God about the fact that I have a talent of talking in front of people, but there is a little, tiny problem about the merit. I talk too much about myself and the other people. Although the talking stories don’t go any depth in dreadful ways, I talk a lot. I sometimes got warnings and bad grades because of my talking habits. This year, I’ll seek not to be talkative with my friends in the classes. In order to fix this habit, I’ll concentrate on the things that I do and look at the teacher’s eyes.

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”(Philippians.3:14, NIV) When I read this verse everyday at the school, I reflect about myself studying and working on the significant job that I should do with pleased mind. As a student of Taejeon International Student, I want to be one of the hard-working students in spiritual and intellectual ways.

I pray to God about myself to be gracious and faithful as I live day by day in his words. If there are obstacles in my life, I wish I can get over them by myself with my courage and faith.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poetry Portfolio

Concrete Poem-Winter

For the pairs of happy lovers

Winter The white beautiful Twinkle sprinkling snow From the heaven came dawn Crunch crisp sound of stepping on Holding hands and hugging are needed Christmas celebration w/ family and lovers Gifts from Santa to kids who never cry Don't run or you can fall down on the ice. Enjoy fast and exciting sports such as skiing. Eat hot chocolate and coffee to be warmed Travel play travel play travel play travel play January is coming, April's coming, and my b-day is coming too. January is coming, remember our 100th day in February. This is the time to be courageous and bold. Hurry up, guys! Wear boots, gloves, scarves, coats and jeans! No skirts, girls! Hopes, wishes and promises among the people in Korea and world. OHOHOHOHOOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO Tiffany's brother is coming from U.S.A. Far away from Korea. Please welcome the bright and lovely winter. Yeah~!!! Please also welcome my lovely hand brother

List Poem-Lovely to read, but...

Tiffany Choi For the teachers

I like poetry, because It makes people calm and relaxed like my grand parents. It seems difficult and complicated, but it's actually simple by memorizing patterns. The describing words are beautiful and adorable. Sometimes, I don't want to read a long novel that makes me fall in sleep. I can imagine lovely pictures while I read the poems. It makes me to feel like a calm and quiet girl which I could never be. I like the detailed explanation of the complicated topics.But I hate writing poems Since I need to learn a lot of patterns, Talk like a little child who doesn't stop chattering, Feel depressed when I write about "Loneliness" or a topic that describes sad things.

Sound poem- Secret world

Tiffany Choi For lovely little children

Crying and weeping The little doll sits on a chair Like the mistaken sound of a clarinet.The trustworthy robot, Building squeaking sound for the doll, Makes her smile widely.The two best friends, Creating the great jealousy of Barbie, Can't move around without any help.Like mousetrap, they shut their mouths, Listening to the humans talking And footsteps getting closer and closer.When some people enter the place, The mysterious chattering and giggling fade away, But the three creatures know what had happened.Only the citizens of the secret world know In my cousin's small room.

Autobiographical poem- two rooms

Tiffany Choi For teenagers

I live in a doorway Between two rooms, One room with delectable and perfume-like memories, And the other room With painful and exhausting experiences.A set of dishes overflowing with laughing and love Is making me to move to the other room Like a special odor fading away. The second room is filled with loneliness and silence, That always comes after the happiness Without any prophecy like a death.

Villanelle Poem- my boyfriend

Tiffany Choi For the teenage girls.

My boyfriend is needed to me because I caught cold. He can buy me a cough drop candy. A boyfriend can be gentle and nice if he's old.My boyfriend is needed because my dog is sold. He can come and make me happy. But I won't make him dance outside or he'll catch cold.My boyfriend believes in what I have told, So I will not tell him a lie, or he'll be unhappy. But don't make him to eat a bread mold.My boyfriend is needed because, to university, he's already enrolled, So he can help me to study. Since, for my weird classes, I need to take hold.My boyfriend never thinks that I controlled, So he loves me and I love him like a buddy. I like him more than a shining, expensive gold.My boyfriend is the only one who is loved By me, so I respect him like my dorm father, Mr.Larry. Please be courageous and bold. Don't let me catch cold.

Precess Essay

How to survive the first month of the dorm life?

Taejeon Christian International School, which has plenty of dorm students, has some tribulations with students since they can not adapt the new environment easily with new people and foreigners. There are uncomplicated but realistic five steps to survive first month of dorm life.
First of all, you need to talk ahead of the other dorm students. Check the roommate's mood and face expression and if she/he smiles at you, go and talk to her/him. Like you're waiting, they are probably waiting for you, too. When I became a dorm student, my roommates were very kind and helpful since they talked to me, and thought that I needed a lot of help from them. But if it is too difficult or if you are too timid, skip to step two.
Since the dorm students have limited money, if you buy delectable snacks, the roommates will be as kind as they can be from then. It's an attraction to them to come close to you. It's better to buy snacks a little bit in a while, though. If you buy too often, then they'll think of you as a grocery store. Although it is crucial to attract them with delicious food, it's the best way to be a gentle friend of new people.At TCIS, except for Out of Country Kids, almost everyone goes home on weekends. Staying on weekends is as fun as staying up late at night. You'll be able to spend three days with the roommates and have tons of chances to talk to them freely. Also at nights, it will be thrilling to stay up late in rooms with lights turned off. Although you get caught by the Room Assistants and dorm parents with friends, it's a part of precious memory at the dorm. Moreover, the friends can get to know you more in the period of time.Since you are a dorm student, you have two couples of parents from now on, your biological parents and dorm parents. You spend your high school life with dorm parents more than the biological parents. They also think of you as a daughter or a son in their lives. In order to give them good impression about you, try to behave in smooth, kind and lovely way such as smiling every time you see them, asking how they have spent their days and so on. Numerous of people feel thankful and cared when they talk with somebody. You, however, can not say some negative comments against them. They'll feel hurt and upset, so they won't do anything good to you, so respect them like real teachers and parents.
Last but not least, if you want to get some dreamy and sweet sleep during study hall period, take a short nap holding a book or a paper that can help you when you're in emergency such as "when the dorm parents come in." It is a bad idea to keep in mind as an outstanding dorm student, but it is better than sleeping during valuable school hours the next day. To survive first month in a dorm, you can't be hesitated of going close to people, buy snacks in a while for attraction, stay on weekends and late at nights to have more time to talk, be friendly and kind to dorm parents and R.A.s, and get a book before going to get some nap during the study hall periods.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Learning Goals

Tiffany’s ambitious but not certain goals.
Writing 1B Tiffany Choi
1.Goal: I’ll learn about reflective compositions since I have weakness at comparing between specific incidents & experiences.
-Method: I need to use personal experience as a basis for reflection.
2.Goal: I have to learn more about precise and descriptive words that fit in my essays and my topics.
-Method: I’ll try to understand my topics first, and then I will study a lot of vocabulary words.
3.Goal: I need to discover about a variety of techniques to provide supporting detail.
-Method: I should provide more supportive detailed ideas after my topic sentences and opinions.
4.Goal: I aim to know conventions of spelling in written compositions.
-Method: There are some difficult vocabulary words that I’m confused with often, so I plan to memorize them.
5.al: I’ll study about the commonly confused terms in written compositions.
-ethod: I’ll try to understand the differences among the words & memorize.
6.Goal: I plan to learn about strategies to address writing to different audiences, because I choose too broad-area-audiences.
-Method: I’ll choose sufficient vocabulary words due to the audiences.
(Background, Age, Interests)

Diversely Wide Feeling of Joy

Diversely Wide Feeling of Joy-Definition Essay

How do you feel joy in your life? A lot of people sense joy in their routine lives by a choice of sources. As there are plenty of people trying to be joyful, there are also some people tying to make the dull community bright and enjoyable. They are called as joy, because “joy” means a feeling of happiness or someone who causes delight. Not only comedians and celebrities are allowed to be called joy. Everyone on earth can be joyful and entertained for others who need laugh and joy. The souls consider joy from relationships, objects and Medias that are various and different.

Friends, family members and other community form relationships with comrades. They can give you anxiety and joy. Nowadays, teenagers feel contented talking to their friends than to their parents thus they become cheerful and carefree with their buddies. At schools, Academic schools, in hometowns, and at churches, the youths meet and talk about their adolescence lives that are probably annoying or entertaining for them. “If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love them for their sake rather than for our own.”(Charlotte Bronte) Moreover, we always need help and love from our family. As our parents raised us until today, we need to give them joy by studying hard and being healthy. Sometimes, they don’t understand us, but we feel joy by being near them. Some people say that God sent mothers to earth to take care if us because God can’t take care of all of us. There are many ways and types of joy for the relationships because the people are different and each person is unique.

Numerous people want money and other objects badly to be wealthy and happy, but a lot of people say, “Money can’t buy happiness.”(Desperate housewives) But the ones who oppose might say, “Sure it can ! That is just a lie we tell poor people to keep them from rioting.”(Desperate Housewives) Nobody knows the truth since that depends on the personal values. If the group of people needs money and other items to live on, then the money can buy anything the people desire to buy and have that they wanted. On the other hand, if you have enough money to live and have other objects that you need, then you might not be happy and feel joyful. According to some surveys and news (New York Times), there are loads of citizens of America and Korea who are starving and trying to earn money for their hopes and wishes. Those kinds of people are living with their hopes of earning lots of money and live in a happy environment. In my opinion, the objects such as money, can buy joy depending on what kind of person.

At the present time, the media affects people a lot in many ways that can be either good or bad. The citizens watch TV, read newspapers, use cell phones and computers, so that they can identify the world and populace better and more. Moreover, most of the people weep or giggle when they watch TV. The media makes the world pleased if the scenes are bright and blissful. Abundant of diminutive kids find out swear words from the media such as cartoons, but they enjoy watching TV shows and cartoons. Some internet research shows that the cartoons make students and kids cruel and mean. There are much more good effects such as knowing the world by news, learning new information from the educational channel and comedy makes us feel joyful and laugh. Doubtlessly, the media is the biggest cause of laughing and feeling joy.

Joy means various things to different kinds of people on the earth. The thing that’s very enjoyable and joyful to you may not be a fine and fun thing to the others. In the book called The Phantom Tollbooth, some town people get tired and dull because they don’t think that the other town people only see the floor and their feet since they thought it could save their precious time. Although people are busy and dull, they need joy and happiness to live on. The citizens consider that joy is among the relationships of people around them, from the objects such as money, gifts, and the media that has a lot of information to our lives. Joy is a value of laughing and happiness.