Thursday, January 25, 2007

Diversely Wide Feeling of Joy

Diversely Wide Feeling of Joy-Definition Essay

How do you feel joy in your life? A lot of people sense joy in their routine lives by a choice of sources. As there are plenty of people trying to be joyful, there are also some people tying to make the dull community bright and enjoyable. They are called as joy, because “joy” means a feeling of happiness or someone who causes delight. Not only comedians and celebrities are allowed to be called joy. Everyone on earth can be joyful and entertained for others who need laugh and joy. The souls consider joy from relationships, objects and Medias that are various and different.

Friends, family members and other community form relationships with comrades. They can give you anxiety and joy. Nowadays, teenagers feel contented talking to their friends than to their parents thus they become cheerful and carefree with their buddies. At schools, Academic schools, in hometowns, and at churches, the youths meet and talk about their adolescence lives that are probably annoying or entertaining for them. “If we would build on a sure foundation in friendship, we must love them for their sake rather than for our own.”(Charlotte Bronte) Moreover, we always need help and love from our family. As our parents raised us until today, we need to give them joy by studying hard and being healthy. Sometimes, they don’t understand us, but we feel joy by being near them. Some people say that God sent mothers to earth to take care if us because God can’t take care of all of us. There are many ways and types of joy for the relationships because the people are different and each person is unique.

Numerous people want money and other objects badly to be wealthy and happy, but a lot of people say, “Money can’t buy happiness.”(Desperate housewives) But the ones who oppose might say, “Sure it can ! That is just a lie we tell poor people to keep them from rioting.”(Desperate Housewives) Nobody knows the truth since that depends on the personal values. If the group of people needs money and other items to live on, then the money can buy anything the people desire to buy and have that they wanted. On the other hand, if you have enough money to live and have other objects that you need, then you might not be happy and feel joyful. According to some surveys and news (New York Times), there are loads of citizens of America and Korea who are starving and trying to earn money for their hopes and wishes. Those kinds of people are living with their hopes of earning lots of money and live in a happy environment. In my opinion, the objects such as money, can buy joy depending on what kind of person.

At the present time, the media affects people a lot in many ways that can be either good or bad. The citizens watch TV, read newspapers, use cell phones and computers, so that they can identify the world and populace better and more. Moreover, most of the people weep or giggle when they watch TV. The media makes the world pleased if the scenes are bright and blissful. Abundant of diminutive kids find out swear words from the media such as cartoons, but they enjoy watching TV shows and cartoons. Some internet research shows that the cartoons make students and kids cruel and mean. There are much more good effects such as knowing the world by news, learning new information from the educational channel and comedy makes us feel joyful and laugh. Doubtlessly, the media is the biggest cause of laughing and feeling joy.

Joy means various things to different kinds of people on the earth. The thing that’s very enjoyable and joyful to you may not be a fine and fun thing to the others. In the book called The Phantom Tollbooth, some town people get tired and dull because they don’t think that the other town people only see the floor and their feet since they thought it could save their precious time. Although people are busy and dull, they need joy and happiness to live on. The citizens consider that joy is among the relationships of people around them, from the objects such as money, gifts, and the media that has a lot of information to our lives. Joy is a value of laughing and happiness.

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