Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poetry Portfolio

Concrete Poem-Winter

For the pairs of happy lovers

Winter The white beautiful Twinkle sprinkling snow From the heaven came dawn Crunch crisp sound of stepping on Holding hands and hugging are needed Christmas celebration w/ family and lovers Gifts from Santa to kids who never cry Don't run or you can fall down on the ice. Enjoy fast and exciting sports such as skiing. Eat hot chocolate and coffee to be warmed Travel play travel play travel play travel play January is coming, April's coming, and my b-day is coming too. January is coming, remember our 100th day in February. This is the time to be courageous and bold. Hurry up, guys! Wear boots, gloves, scarves, coats and jeans! No skirts, girls! Hopes, wishes and promises among the people in Korea and world. OHOHOHOHOOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO Tiffany's brother is coming from U.S.A. Far away from Korea. Please welcome the bright and lovely winter. Yeah~!!! Please also welcome my lovely hand brother

List Poem-Lovely to read, but...

Tiffany Choi For the teachers

I like poetry, because It makes people calm and relaxed like my grand parents. It seems difficult and complicated, but it's actually simple by memorizing patterns. The describing words are beautiful and adorable. Sometimes, I don't want to read a long novel that makes me fall in sleep. I can imagine lovely pictures while I read the poems. It makes me to feel like a calm and quiet girl which I could never be. I like the detailed explanation of the complicated topics.But I hate writing poems Since I need to learn a lot of patterns, Talk like a little child who doesn't stop chattering, Feel depressed when I write about "Loneliness" or a topic that describes sad things.

Sound poem- Secret world

Tiffany Choi For lovely little children

Crying and weeping The little doll sits on a chair Like the mistaken sound of a clarinet.The trustworthy robot, Building squeaking sound for the doll, Makes her smile widely.The two best friends, Creating the great jealousy of Barbie, Can't move around without any help.Like mousetrap, they shut their mouths, Listening to the humans talking And footsteps getting closer and closer.When some people enter the place, The mysterious chattering and giggling fade away, But the three creatures know what had happened.Only the citizens of the secret world know In my cousin's small room.

Autobiographical poem- two rooms

Tiffany Choi For teenagers

I live in a doorway Between two rooms, One room with delectable and perfume-like memories, And the other room With painful and exhausting experiences.A set of dishes overflowing with laughing and love Is making me to move to the other room Like a special odor fading away. The second room is filled with loneliness and silence, That always comes after the happiness Without any prophecy like a death.

Villanelle Poem- my boyfriend

Tiffany Choi For the teenage girls.

My boyfriend is needed to me because I caught cold. He can buy me a cough drop candy. A boyfriend can be gentle and nice if he's old.My boyfriend is needed because my dog is sold. He can come and make me happy. But I won't make him dance outside or he'll catch cold.My boyfriend believes in what I have told, So I will not tell him a lie, or he'll be unhappy. But don't make him to eat a bread mold.My boyfriend is needed because, to university, he's already enrolled, So he can help me to study. Since, for my weird classes, I need to take hold.My boyfriend never thinks that I controlled, So he loves me and I love him like a buddy. I like him more than a shining, expensive gold.My boyfriend is the only one who is loved By me, so I respect him like my dorm father, Mr.Larry. Please be courageous and bold. Don't let me catch cold.

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